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Greater Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA 19103
United States
Eryn Santamoor
Eryn Santamoor

Santamoor served as the Deputy Managing Director for the City and Deputy Managing Director for Strategic Initiatives in the Office of Deputy Mayor for Public Safety under Mayor Michael Nutter, where she contributed to the creation of Philly311 and PhillyStat. As chief of staff for former At-Large City Councilmember Allan Domb, she became known for her expertise in operations and budgeting and navigating City bureaucracy. In the private sector as a consultant for PFM, she helped other cities manage fiscal crises. She is said to have connections in local politics, especially among Ward leaders, as well as hospitality and corridor organizations. She has stated her priorities as addressing substance use disorders, improving public safety and upgrading basic City services. This would be her first time holding elected office. Santamoor ran an innovative yet unsuccessful campaign for an at-large Council seat in 2019.
Santamoor is a first-generation college student with a graduate degree in student government administration from Penn. She lives in Chestnut Hill with her family and sits on the board of the nonprofit Uplift Center for Grieving Children.
Endorsements: Santamoor is currently in a three-way tie for the endorsement of the Philadelphia Democratic City Committee with activist Erika Almirón and local NOW president Nina Ahmad. Wards will determine the final endorsements.
*Bio sourced from The Philadelphia Citizen