Empowering the Future: How Philadelphia’s Youth Embrace the Sustainable Development Goals

Jessica Barber
Migrated automatically.

The United Nations Foundation is a pivotal organization dedicated to supporting the mission and work of the United Nations. Established in 1998 through a generous donation by entrepreneur and philanthropist Ted Turner, the Foundation mobilizes resources and partnerships to address global challenges. Central to its efforts are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of 17 ambitious objectives aimed at eradicating poverty, protecting the planet, and ensuring prosperity for all by 2030. The Foundation plays a crucial role in advocating for and advancing these goals, fostering collaborations between governments, businesses, and civil society to drive transformative change and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

Global Philadelphia aims to raise awareness about these global goals through our Sustainable Development Goal campaign that brings together a variety of local partners, businesses, and artists through the creation of a local mural. Beyond the dynamic art, the endeavor also provides grant money in the amount of $3,000 to local nonprofits and educational institutions doing related work. Each chosen grantee receives increased visibility of their work thanks to local news broadcasts and enhanced visibility from the unveiling. 

Recently, one of the artists who worked with GPA for SDG #8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, Faysal Adger, was featured in a United Nations Foundation's article that discussed the ways in which young people in America are paying closer attention to the SDGs. Following the completion of the mural and the community unveiling where he was invited to give a speech, he noted that he "appreciates how both the SDGs and art bring people in his community together." 

faysal adgar

What is perhaps even more striking is that whenever the youth and young adults are included in innovative initiatives, it can encourage them to stay involved, to spread the word on social media and with their friends, and implement sustainable changes into their daily lives. Before the mural project, Adger noted that he didn't think he "would be able to leave my mark on the world, especially at a young age." 

He now has two murals on display in the city and an additional one in the works as well as a growing network to lean on following the completion of the project. 

Talented artist, childhood cancer survivor, and soon-to-be culinary arts student before the age of 18, Adger is just one remarkable example. Young people in Philadelphia are actively embracing and implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through a variety of innovative and impactful initiatives. One prominent example is the Philadelphia Youth Network (PYN), which focuses on providing educational and career opportunities to the city's youth. By aligning their programs with SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), PYN equips young Philadelphians with the skills and experiences necessary to thrive in a rapidly changing economy. Their WorkReady program, for instance, connects thousands of students with summer jobs and internships, fostering both personal and professional growth while addressing the city's economic disparities.

Moreover, environmental sustainability is a significant focus for Philadelphia's youth. Organizations like the Philly Youth Climate Movement (PYCM), otherwise known as the Sunrise Movement, are at the forefront of local efforts to combat climate change, aligning their activism with SDG 13 (Climate Action). PYCM organizes climate strikes, advocates for policy changes, and educates their peers on the importance of environmental stewardship. Additionally, urban gardening projects, such as those led by the Sankofa Community Farm at Bartram's Gardens, enable young people to promote SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) by cultivating fresh produce in food deserts and encouraging sustainable living practices. These grassroots efforts demonstrate how Philadelphia's youth are not only raising awareness about the SDGs but also taking concrete steps to achieve them within their communities.

The engagement of Philadelphia's youth with the Sustainable Development Goals exemplifies a growing movement of young leaders dedicated to creating a better world in the face of enormous challenges. Through educational initiatives, environmental activism, and community-based projects, these young individuals are not just envisioning a sustainable future—they are actively building it. Their efforts highlight the importance of local action in achieving global goals, reinforcing the notion that every community can contribute to the collective success of the SDGs. 

By supporting and amplifying the work of these young changemakers, Philadelphia sets a powerful example of how cities can harness the energy and innovation of their youth to drive meaningful progress on a global scale. The ongoing collaboration between organizations like the United Nations Foundation, local partners, and the youth of Philadelphia underscores the critical role of multilevel partnerships in realizing a sustainable and equitable future for all. Global Philadelphia remains motivated to continue this mission. 

Emerging International Journalists Program
Global Affairs
SDG Campaign