Global Philadelphia Unveils New Mural on Drexel’s Campus for SDG #13 Climate Action

Margaret Riley
sdg #13

The Global Philadelphia Association unveiled a new mural on June 5th as part of their ongoing project to amplify the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in the city. The mural, painted by Philadelphia-based Salvadoran artist Calo Rosa, represents SDG 13: Climate Action. The artwork brings together the different worlds impacted by climate change: the industrial and natural worlds. The mural depicts a young woman looking off towards the left, with her eyes obscured by a vista featuring waves and trees in the background. The work is accented by colorful details such as the bright pink “Climate Action” message and birds of paradise flowers, all set in front of a neutral backdrop. The painting can be viewed at the side of Drexel University’s Disque Hall, near the entrance to the Korman Quad.crowd photo

In order to achieve this goal, the United Nations identifies the importance of constructing climate resilient infrastructure and protecting communities, especially coastal communities, who will be most impacted by climate change. Drexel University’s climate action plan outlines the institution’s commitment to climate action and sustainability, making its campus an ideal location for the mural.

This mural is proudly sponsored by Essity – a leading global hygiene and health product company – whose generosity provided a grant to the Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education. The Center has many initiatives that strive towards achieving sustainable development in Philadelphia. Their work focuses on environmental education, the implementation of permanent art collections, land stewardship (planting native plants and managing community gardens), and wildlife rehabilitation. The unveiling took place on June 5th, coinciding with World Environment Day, and concluded with speakers representing several different stakeholders hosting this project: Rogelio Minana (Vice Provost for Global Engagement at Drexel), Amy Bellcourt (VP of Communications at Essity), Erin Mooney (Executive Director of the Schuylkill Center), and Rob McNeill (Board Chair for the Global Philadelphia Association). Other notable speakers included Zabeth Teelucksingh, President of Global Philadelphia who provided opening remarks, and Mr. Rosa, who addressed the audience with his perspective on his artwork itself as well as what it represents for the SDG and the city at large.sdg 13 mural

Mr. Rosa emphasized how important it is to appreciate and connect with nature, especially for those living in large urban centers such as Philadelphia. His sentiments illustrate how climate change is a collective threat that requires collective, innovative, and forward-thinking solutions

Collaboration between different sectors of the city, as exemplified by GPA’s various mural projects, is key to achieving the SDGs. Partnerships such as those with Essity and the Schuylkill Center help bridge the gap between the corporate and nonprofit world to fight against a cause that affects not just Philadelphians but the global community, and the Global Philadelphia Association is committed to continuing the momentum sparked from events such as this mural unveiling as it looks to the future. 

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SDG Campaign