Thomas Jefferson University Recognized in Partners in Peace Initiative

Global Philadelphia Association is excited to congratulate one of our esteemed members, Thomas Jefferson University, on being named an inaugural Partners in Peace institution. This initiative involves a collaborative partnership between the National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC) and the Nobel Peace Center in Oslo, Norway which recognizes outstanding contributions of honors students and faculty in select universities that are promoting peace through education, research, and community engagement. The initiative also seeks to recognize and highlight the Center in Oslo, which is home to a museum featuring "exhibitions, events, and educational programs that encourage dialogue about peace, conflict resolution, and the work of Nobel Peace Laureates. "
As a recognized Partner in Peace, Thomas Jefferson University is developing and implementing curricular and co-curricular programs that reflect the principles of Alfred Nobel and past Nobel Peace Prize recipients. This initiative encourages honors students to explore leadership strategies of current past Nobel Peace Prize awardees and understand how local action can contribute to broader impact in a variety of fields. Students have the opportunity to participate in co-curricular offerings that "emphasize attention on the immediate Nobel Peace Laureate and the work of that individual which garnered international acclaim." Then, they have the opportunity to "design, implement, and assess an application of the laureate’s work within the context of the campus and/or local community." In addition to providing unique and academically rigorous opportunities, educational foundations in peace allow students to more effectively work towards and maintain peaceful relations and communities, in both their current and future roles.

Thomas Jefferson University has been educating students in Philadelphia since 1824 and has a reputation as an institution favoring experiential learning and a diverse, socially responsible culture. The new involvement of the NCHC and the Nobel Peace Center reflects the ongoing commitment to empowering students to broaden their perspectives and prioritize people.
Thomas Jefferson University joins 15 other universities in the first cohort of the Partners in Peace initiative, including nearby Shippensburg and Stockton Universities. The partnership between the NCHC, Nobel Peace Center, and the educational institutions was formally announced in October of 2024, and each university was recognized at the NCHC Conference Awards Ceremony in November.
For more information on Partners in Peace, you can find the NCHC announcement here: