123 S. Broad Street
Suite 1920
Philadelphia, PA 19109
United States
Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI)
Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI)

Founded in 1955, FPRI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization devoted to bringing the insights of scholarship to bear on the development of policies that advance U.S. national interests. We add perspective to events by fitting them into the larger historical and cultural context of international politics.
Who We Are
The scholars of FPRI include a former aide to three U.S. secretaries of state, a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian, a former president of Swarthmore College and a Bancroft Prize-winning historian, and two former staff members of the National Security Council.
We count among our trustees a former Secretary of State and a former Secretary of the Navy, a foundation president, and numerous active or retired corporate CEOs, lawyers, and civic leaders. And we count among our extended network of scholars— especially, our Inter-University Study Groups— representatives of diverse disciplines, including political science, history, economics, law, management, religion, sociology, and psychology.
What We Do
We conduct research on pressing issues— the war on terrorism, developments in the Middle East, nuclear proliferation, relations with China, Russia, and Japan— and long-term questions, such as the roles of religion and ethnicity in international politics, or the nature of Western identity and its implications for the U.S. and the Atlantic Alliance.
We publish a quarterly journal, Orbis, and a series of bulletins, both of which draw on the research findings of our scholars, our Inter-University Study Groups, our conferences, and our seminars.
And, through our Wachman Center and through our History Institute, we educate the public and “teach the teachers.” In this way, we serve the community and the nation, the policymakers and the educators.
A Vast Reach
Each week, FPRI transmits by email a succinct analysis of some critical international issue. These bulletins are emailed to some 18,000 key people in 85 countries directly, and reach thousands more indirectly by postings on the Internet. Frequently, they are reprinted in or quoted by newspapers around the world. Our scholars are also invited to testify on Capitol Hill, comment on national radio and television, and consult informally with U.S. government officials.
Click here to view the organizations FPRI has recently worked with.