Contact Information


40 W Evergreen Ave #108
Philadelphia, PA 19118
United States

Friends of Wissahickon

Organization/Business type
Civic/Community Organization
Friends of Wissahickon logo

Friends of the Wissahickon is a 3,000+ member, non-profit organization founded in 1924.

To conserve the natural beauty and wildness of the Wissahickon Valley and stimulate public interest therein.

An urban oasis that promotes recreation, conservation, and the enjoyment of park history

DEIJB Statement:
The Wissahickon Valley Park is a place in nature for all who seek it. The mission of the  Friends of the Wissahickon (FOW) is to conserve the natural beauty and wildness of the Wissahickon Valley Park and stimulate public interest therein. The public interest encompasses all people as part of our service to the Wissahickon Valley Park, with the recognition that Black, Indigenous, communities of color and low-income communities, are disproportionately impacted by systemic and structural inequalities.

FOW is committed, both within the organization and the Park, to:

Diversity: Welcoming the richness of the many different backgrounds people in our community and park visitors bring. These include but are not limited to cultural, racial, ethnic, religious, and economic backgrounds, physical abilities, and modes of thought.  

Equity: Providing differential access to our resources to assure that all individuals can enjoy and partake in our park improvements, access, and public programming.
Inclusion: Collaborating with  individuals, groups, and organizations to inform processes, activities, and policies that are part of our shared service to the Park and the public.

Justice: Ensuring and expanding  access to the Park with an understanding that some communities and people are excluded from the benefits of nature.

Belonging: Developing a culture where individuals, groups, and organizations feel welcomed and a part of FOW and the Wissahickon.

Community Development